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Competition quality — A standard of perfection, specific to each competition, to which all entries are compared, regardless of the experience of the competitor, the number of entries, or the quality of those entries


Competition-style — The ultimate standard of perfection for all nail enhancements; a set of nail enhancements that have:


A sleeker, more dramatic look

A shape that ranges from extreme square to extreme oval (stiletto)

A 1 to 1 ratio of nail bed (pink) to free edge (white), measured from the center of the smile line

Product thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the stress area, and tapered to the free edge so it is equal to approximately the thinness of a business card (.01-.03 inches)

Consistent “C” curves between 40% and 50% (144° and 180° arc)

Nail competition — A professional contest in which nail technicians strive to outperform others according to the rules and criteria governing the contest


Nail enhancement — An artificial nail made from enhancement products applied to the natural nail


Salon-style — The standard of perfection for the Salon Success competition; a set of nail enhancements that have:


A more durable, wearable look

A shape that ranges from extreme square to extreme oval (stiletto)

A 2 to 1 ratio of nail bed (pink) to free edge (white), measured from the center of the smile line;

Product thinly applied near the cuticle area, reinforced at the stress area, and tapered through the free edge so it is equal to approximately the thinness of 1.5 business cards (0.3 – 0.5 inches)

Consistent “C” curves of 33.33 % and 40% (120° and 144° arc)


PARTS of the NAIL 


Apex — The highest point of the arch


Arch — The curvature of the top surface of the nail when viewed from the side


“C” curve — The curvature of the nail when viewed from the distal edge


Cuticle Area — The portion of the nail nearest to the cuticle


Distal Edge — The edge of the nail at its end


Free Edge — The portion of the nail from the smile line to the distal edge


Lateral Structure — The structure of the nail enhancements as viewed from the side, specifically the sidewalls


Moon — A slightly exaggerated replica of the natural lanula, created at the base of the nail


Nail Bed — The portion of the nail from the cuticle area to the smile line


Sidewall — The edge of the nail extending from the cuticle area to the distal edge.


Smile Line — The curved line separating the nail bed and free edge portions of the nail


Surface Structure — The structure of the top surface and bottom surface (underside) of the nail enhancements and arch placement




Analytic Scoring — The process by which the judges evaluate entries according to judging criteria


Briefing — A review of competition rules that immediately precedes a competition; attendance is mandatory


Category — An aspect of the entry that is evaluated by the judges; each competition has ten categories


Cover Sheet — The form stapled to the score sheets that lists the scores and placement


Division — All competitions are either


Divisional – which refers to veteran or novice or young


Non-Divisional – which is a mixture of both veteran and novice


Elimination – The numbers are called of the competitors who did not make it into the top ten finalists


Finalists — Those entries selected in the preview for scoring; a maximum of ten entries will be selected at each level (novice and veteran)


Judging Criteria — The standard(s) in each category


Level — A description of a competitor’s experience, either novice or veteran

Young — A competitor who has never competed in any nail competition, whether on-site or online.


Novice — A competitor who has never won first place in any nail competition at a beauty show


Preview — The process of elimination rounds by which the judges select entries for scoring


Questions Only – 5 minutes before the competition begins for any questions to be answered when no briefing has taken place


Registration — The information and payment required to enter a competition


Report — To arrive at the competition area, check-in with competition staff, and receive an entry number wristbands and certificate of participation


Scoring Guideline — A 10-point system (excluding turn-in events), ranging from 1 (Unacceptable) to 10 (Flawless), used to evaluate an entry in a category, except where noted a five-point range. Turn-in competitive events use a 5-point system, ranging from 0.5 (Unacceptable) to 5 (Flawless).


Score Sheets — The forms judges use to record scores of the top ten finalists only


Team — A group of two or more competitors whose individual scores count collectively toward the Nailpro Cup Team Championship; only the team members who make it into the finalists of their individual competitions will count their scores toward the Team Championship Cup


Veteran — A competitor who has won first place in any nail competition at a beauty show


Wrist Band — A colored band with your competition number for the day. It goes on the right wrist of the MODEL. If you are a novice competitor you will also be given a white band for your model as well.




Balance (DSN, FT, HPNA, 3-D, FNA) 


Various elements of the design are well-balanced, neither too sparse or too busy


“C” curves (FT, DSN, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS, USAN) 


The curvature of the nail enhancements is symmetrical and consistent The depth of curvature is appropriate for the competition (see specific criteria) If nail enhancements are oval in shape, consideration will be given for the apparent lack of curvature at the distal edge


Color (3-D, DSN, FNA, HPNA, SGN) 


The colors enhance the design The colors complement each other


Complexity (3-D, DSN, FNA, FT, HPNA) 


The design is challenging, demanding skill and effort The design involves multiple techniques


Costume (FNA) 


The costume complements the design The costume is complete The costume is neat and well-constructed


Cuticle Area (FT, DSN, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The product is flush to the natural nails and close to the cuticles The model’s skin at the cuticle area is in excellent condition (free from abrasions)


Design (3-D, FNA, FT, ESD, HPNA) 


The design enhances the theme The design is well executed The design should only be done by hand using a brush


Detail (3-D, FNA, HPNA) 


The design is sufficiently detailed The detail clarifies the design, adding dimension


Dimension (3-D) 


The design is obviously multi-dimensional The dimension enhances the theme and is balanced


Finish Work (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS, MM) 


The surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and very shiny (absence of scratches) The edges of the nails are smooth and finished The nails are thoroughly clean (absence of dust)


Lateral Structure (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The nail enhancements align perfectly with the sides of the natural nails If nail enhancements are oval in shape, the point at which the oval begins is consistent The arch of the nail enhancement is consistantly placed.


Length (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The length, measured from cuticle to the end of the extension, is consistent between matching nails (pinkie to pinkie, etc.) and in proportion to each other The length is suitable for the competition The length looks balanced on the models hands.


Moons (PM, SAN, SGN, SN, MI) 


Moons are properly placed Moons have not been filed off Enhance the nail extension


Originality (3-D, DSN, FNA, FT, HPNA, MM) 


The design is innovative (new and original) The design is unique (different from other designs) 


Overall Impression (all competitions) 


The nails complement the model’s hands (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 

The design makes an excellent overall impression (3-D, FNA, HPNA) 

The design is complete and needs no improvement (3-D, DSN, FNA, FT, HPNA,)


Polish Application (SN, SAN, SGN, SS) 


The polish completely covers the nails (close to the cuticle and all edges) The application is smooth, even and clean 


Product Control (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The product is completely free of air bubbles and pits The color of the product is consistent The skin is free of all product


Red Color Application, Gels (SGN, SN) 


The red gel completely covers the nails (close to the cuticle and all edges) The application is smooth, even and clean


Shape (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The shape is symmetrical and consistent individually The shape is symmetrical and consistent and as a set


Smile Lines (FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The smile lines are crisp (definition between pink and white) The smile lines are symmetrical and consistent (even points and equal curvature)


Surface Structure (DSN, FT, MI, PM, SAN, SGN, SN, SS) 


The top surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and perfectly contoured The bottom surfaces of the nail enhancements are smooth and perfectly contoured


Theme (3-D, FNA, HPNA) 


The theme is obvious and completely developed The theme is continued on all 10 nails


Visual Interest (HPNA, 3-D, FNA) 


The design captures and holds your attention


Workmanship (3-D, FNA, HPNA) 


The overall quality of work demonstrates outstanding artistic skills




Buffing products — Any type of product containing pumice or buffing abrasive in which you would apply to enhance high shine


Canned Air — Compressed air in a can


Cookie Cutter Implements — Any type of object that assists you in making a smile line


Cream polish — A nail lacquer that has no shimmer or frost properties


Embellishment — Rhinestones, Mylar, feathers, glitter (large), embedded objects, etc. Embellishment of Design — May not be more than 25% of artwork


Enhancement products — Professional nail products from which nail enhancements are made, such as, tips, liquid and powder acrylic, light-cured gels, wraps or other artificially constructed products applied to the natural nail.


Forms – Are to be flat, paper or metal only 


French-style — A two-tone look where the nail bed and free edge are different colors; for a classic French style, the nail bed is a shade of pink, and the free edge a shade of white High Shine – A process for adding shine to unpolished hand by either using a buffing stick or finishing gel.


**Molds — A hollow shaped object which is used for shaping fluid or plastic substance. In this case also duo forms, inverted tip forms and any product similar in any form or shape. These products are not allowed unless rule specifically allows them


Professional nail products — Products sold by nail manufacturers intended for use by professional nail technicians


Soak Off Gel Products UV Gel Sealant — Must be cured with a UV light


UV Topcoat — No light required, will air dry

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